How secure are your boundaries?


I’ll never forget the words of one wise lady who was courageous enough to speak up at a time when I needed it.

I was 22 years old, married, and waitressing at a local club in my hometown. My job involved late nights at a club that was a hive of activity.

Over time, some of my work colleagues and I got into the habit of staying back after work and socializing to wind down. The band, the activity, and the wine were enticing – but it was a recipe for disaster!

As I was standing at the bar ordering another drink, an older woman who had experienced a broken marriage came up behind me and said these courageous words: “Go home to your husband Fiona, this is where it all starts!”

I knew exactly what she meant, and although I was a little defensive, those words pierced my soul. I spoke about the issue with Rick the next day and found a safer way to wind down after a night’s work.

Nobody has an affair because of one decision, there are always multiple choices that get you there – your thought life, the state of your marriage, and the environment that you put yourself in are all contributors.

We’re all capable of being attracted to another person, but healthy boundaries that are defined as a couple help to keep you safe and your marriage strong.

💥 What are the healthy boundaries that you have in place as a couple to safeguard your marriage from an affair?

Have a great week!

Rick & Fi ❤️

About the Author

Fiona Leeworthy

Fiona is a Counsellor & Family Therapist (MCouns, GradDip Psycho, AdvDipFamTherapy and her husband Rick is a businessman, speaker and mentor. Together they share a passion to help couples build strong & healthy relationships in the midst of a busy life.

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