What the wedding planner forgot to tell you…


When you stand at the altar waiting for your bride or groom on your wedding day, there are many factors that are a part of building a life-long marriage.

And with wedding preparations taking a whole lot of time, energy, organization and money, I do believe that there is often a forgotten addition to those preparations that will serve you well when your special day has come to end, and the honeymoon is over….and that is pre-marital counselling.

With over one third of marriages ending in divorce and an even higher rate of divorce for second marriages, it makes sense to consider pre-marriage counselling before taking that big step towards becoming husband and wife.

Marriage is perhaps the most complicated of human relationships. The process of joining two people together, with different expectations, beliefs and personalities in itself is a huge adjustment.

Back when my husband and I got married it was definitely not a priority, as we walked blindly into marriage with our rose coloured glasses on at the age of 20 and 22. Now, I highly recommend it as it establishes healthy habits and ideas that will help any couple deal with the issues that will arise during their marriage.


It deals with topics like:
• Being clear about your expectations and relationship needs, to avoid misunderstandings in the future
• Improving your communication skills so you can truly understand each other
• Identifying challenges and working through them before they become an issue
• Increasing and deepening your love and appreciation for one another
• Setting personal and relationship goals for the future

Pre-marital counselling can also help couples establish a positive attitude about seeking help which may be helpful later on down the track.

Recent statistics say that couples who underwent 8 x counselling sessions before their wedding day had a 30% higher marital success rate than those who didn’t.
So consider making it a part of your wedding preparations, so that you and your partner can better understand and support each other during your life long journey together.

About the Author

Fiona Leeworthy

Fiona is a Counsellor & Family Therapist (MCouns, GradDip Psycho, AdvDipFamTherapy and her husband Rick is a businessman, speaker and mentor. Together they share a passion to help couples build strong & healthy relationships in the midst of a busy life.

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